Yahoo Chat Emoticons

It's rare for Microsoft products to invoke a pleasant sense of nostalgia, but MSN Messenger is a piece of software that does. The instant messaging software has been long dead, with Microsoft. 'Emoticons' is a word created from the combination of the words emotion and icon. They are smiley face type icons that express emotions. These are graphic icons that you can use in Yahoo messenger by entering a keyboard shortcut combination.

With nearly 100 default emoticons, Yahoo Messenger easily has the most impressive selection of standard emoticons and smileys. And when it comes to hidden emoticons, Yahoo is easily king of the mountain.

Here is a listing of all Yahoo hidden emoticons, all free to use:

  1. Latest News 🧑‍🎄 Who is Mx Claus? 🥲 iOS 14.2 Emoji Changelog 😷 Mask Wearing Emoji Now Smiles First Look: New Emojis in iOS 14.2 🆕 217 New Emojis In Final List For 2021 📲 Samsung One UI 2.5 Emoji Changelog 🗓 When are the 2020 Emojis Coming to iPhone? 🤖 Android 11.0 Emoji Changelog.
  2. A green Alien smiley face emoticon flying in his spaceship and landing on Earth. Added on 21 December, 2012; Filename: green-alien-spaceship-smiley-emoticon.gif; File size: 107216 bytes; Rated 4.88 from 8 votes; 18 frames measuring 104 x 111 pixels.
  3. Yahoo Messenger is one of the oldest and popular messenger. I have been using Yahoo messenger from years. Yahoo messengers come with default emoticons which are very useful. Just to let you know yahoo messenger is full of hidden emoticons which you can use to spice your chat experience.
:o3Puppy dog eyes emoticon, great for getting what you want
:-??I don't know, good emoticon for when you're confused
%-(Not listening smiley, for when the truth it too much to bear
:@)Pig emoticon, oink oink
3:-OCow emoticon, letting out a big moo
:(|)Monkey emoticon with a funny expression
~:>Chicken emoticon, quite cute
@};-A beautiful red rose emoticon
%%-Four-leaf clover emoticon for good luck
**USA Flag emoticon, waving American flag
(~~)Pumpkin emoticon, good for Halloween
~O)Coffee cup emoticon, for caffeine addicts
*-:)Got an idea? use this hidden smiley
8-XChattering Skull Emoticon
=:)A strange green bug
>-)This smiley turns out to be an alien in disguise!
:-LFrustrated smiley
[-O<Praying, this little smiley is saying his prayers
$-)Money eyes, this is one greedy smiley
:-'Whistling emoticon, cool animation
b-(Smiley getting punched, with black eye and all
:)>-Smiley showing the peace sign
[-XShame on you, tut tut
:D/Dancing emoticon, he is quite happy
>:/Bring it on!
;))Hee Hee, cute and girly giggling emoticon
:-@Chatterbox, some people never shut up
^:)^Not worthy, giving praise
:-joh go on!
(*)Star emoticon
(%)Yin Yang symbol

As you can see, Yahoo has a huge amount of hidden smileys and emoticons, most of which are very well designed. Most of the secret icons in Yahoo are smileys, and not emoticons.


Also See

Yahoo Mail Emoticons

You can also try the hidden emoticons in other Messengers like MSN and Skype:

Yahoo Mail Emoticons Download

Secret MSN Emoticons

Secret Skype Emoticons
Yahoo messenger emoticons

More about the secret Yahoo Emoticons

Comparing the hidden yahoo icons and smileys to those of its closest rival, MSN/Live Messenger, we can see that the Yahoo emoticons are of much better quality. Live Messenger's hidden emoticons are no match to those of Yahoo Messenger in either quality or quantity. While there are around 10 hidden emoticons in MSN, there are roughly 35 hidden emoticons in Yahoo Messenger (with more being added in version 9).

Thanks to the custom emoticons feature of MSN Messenger, you can use these cool Yahoo emoticons in MSN or Live Messenger. Just save the ones that you like and add them to your Messenger, that's all there is to it.

Yahoo Emoticons

Yahoo IM is Free and works great! Download Yahoo Instant Messenger (IM) 9.0 Here!

Yahoo! Basic Emoticons and Shortcut Keys
Download these Free Yahoo Smilies for use in Older Versions of Yahoo IM
ASCII textSmileyDescription
:)The happy Yahoo emoticon
:(The sad Yahoo emoticon
;)The winking Yahoo emoticon
:PThe tongue Yahoo emoticon
:-OThe shocked Yahoo emoticon
:-<The 'sigh' Yahoo emoticon
X(The angry Yahoo emoticon
B-)The cool Yahoo emoticon
:-?The thoughtful Yahoo emoticon
:-&The sick Yahoo emoticon
#.-SThe relieved Yahoo emoticon
O:-)The angel Yahoo! emoticon
:-/The confused Yahoo emoticon
:((The crying Yahoo emoticon
[-(The 'not talking' Yahoo emoticon
:DThe big grin Yahoo emoticon
:-BThe nerdy Yahoo emoticon
|-)The drowsy Yahoo emoticon
<:-P)The partying Yahoo emoticon
:)]The on the phone Yahoo emoticon
/:)The sarcastic Yahoo emoticon
:-$The don't tell Yahoo emoticon
:))The laughin Yahoo emoticon
:-SThe worried Yahoo emoticon
=D>The clapping Yahoo emoticon
:-cThe call me Yahoo emoticon
>:PThe ick factor Yahoo emoticon
:O)The clown Yahoo emoticon
<):)The cowboy Yahoo emoticon
8->The daydreaming Yahoo emoticon
=P~The drooling Yahoo emoticon
:-*The kissing Yahoo emoticon
>:D<The hugging Yahoo emoticon
@-)The hypnotized Yahoo emoticon
#-oThe 'd'oh' Yahoo emoticon
;;)The batting eyelashes Yahoo emoticon
~X(The hair pulling Yahoo emoticon
=((The broken hearted Yahoo emoticon
=;'Talk to the hand' Yahoo emoticon
:^oThe liar Yahoo smiley emoticon
L-)The looser Yahoo emoticon
:xThe love struck Yahoo smiley emoticon
:-SSThe nail biting Yahoo emoticon
8-|The annoyed Yahoo emoticon
=))The rolling on the floor laughing Yahoo emoticon
8-}The silly Yahoo emoticon
:>The smug Yahoo emoticon
:|The straight face Yahoo emoticon
:-tThe time out Yahoo emoticon
:-wThe waiting Yahoo emoticon
(:|The bored and yawning Yahoo emoticon
>:)The devil Yahoo emoticon
:-hThe waving Yahoo emoticon
:'>The blushing Yahoo emoticon

Hidden (secret) Yahoo Emoticons

Download these Free Hidden (Secret) Yahoo Emoticons for Use in Older Versions of

Yahoo IM

ASCII textSmileyDescription
>-)The alien hidden Yahoo smiley
o-+The April hidden Yahoo smiley
b-(The beat up hidden Yahoo smiley
o=>The Billy hidden Yahoo smiley
=:)The bug hidden Yahoo smiley
~:>The chicken hidden Yahoo smiley
~O)The coffee cup hidden Yahoo smiley
3:-OThe cow hidden Yahoo smiley
:D/The dancing hidden Yahoo smiley
**The flag hidden Yahoo smiley
:-LThe frustrated hidden Yahoo simley
%%-The lucky hidden Yahoo! smiley
;))The 'hee hee' hidden Yahoo smiley
o->The hiro hidden Yahoo smiley
*-:)The idea hidden Yahoo smiley
:-??The 'I don't know' hidden Yahoo smiley
>:/The 'bring it on' or 'Kill Bill' hidden Yahoo smiley
$-)The money eyes hidden Yahoo smiley
:(|)The monkey hidden Yahoo smiley
%-(The not listening hidden Yahoo smiley
^:)^The 'I'm not worthy' hidden Yahoo smiley
:-jThe 'Oh go on' hidden Yahoo smiley
:)>-The peace hidden Yahoo smiley
:@)The pid hidden Yahoo smiley
[-O<The praying hidden Yahoo smiley
(~~)The pumpkin hidden Yahoo smiley
:o3The dog hidden Yahoo smiley
@};-The rose hidden Yahoo smiley
[-XThe 'shame on you' hidden Yahoo smiley
8-XThe skull hidden Yahoo smiley
(*)The star hidden Yahoo smiley
:-@The 'chatterbox' hidden Yahoo smiley
:-'The whistleing hidden Yahoo smiley
(%)The yin yang hidden Yahoo smiley

Yahoo Emoticon Contest Winners - View These New Yahoo Emoticons Now!

Download These Free New Yahoo Smileys for Use in Older Versions of Yahoo IM

ASCII textSmileyDescription
(b)The bee New Yahoo smiley emoticon
^#(^The 'it wasn't me' New Yahoo smiley emoticon
X-XThe 'peek-a-boo' New Yahoo smiley emoticon
m/The rock out New Yahoo smiley emoticon
:-qThe thumbs down New Yahoo smiley emoticon
:!!The 'check the time' New Yahoo smiley emoticon
:-bdThe two thumbs up New Yahoo smiley emoticon