Neon Genesis Evangelion 1.11 Streaming Ita

Let’s take a look back at the series, Neon Genesis Evangelion was the first mecha-like series of it’s kind, airing weekly broadcasts on TV Tokyo from October 1995 to March 1996. The series that received critical acclaim, fascinating a captive audience, is now licensed by Netflix worldwide streaming service. The previous licensing ran out in 2011 under ADV which aired on several networks, one in particular that we all remember, Cartoon Network’s nighttime feature Adult Swim.

Neon Genesis Evangelion's New Japanese Blu-ray & DVD Sets Outlined (Jun 17, 2015) The Spring 2015 Anime Preview Guide - Wish Upon The Pleiades (Apr 8, 2015) The List - 7 Anime Kisses Heard 'Round. Well after all this time, Evangelion 1.11 came out last Tuesday. I have been waiting for this movie ever since October when I first discovered it and then I found out that the November Evangelion 1.01 release was a bad dvd release with problems, so I had to wait until Evangelion 1.11 came out so I waited about 5 months for this movie.

Watch Neon Genesis Evangelion Online

And it also looks very dated, especially on the 'perfect' DVD set. 1.11 is essentially episodes 1-6 with updated animation and great pacing. In the time it would take to watch one episode, you'll already be hooked after finishing watching the first action scene. After that, I'd recommend watching Neon Genesis episodes 7-24, then End of Evangelion. Welcome to the Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan-Geeks Project. For the fans, by the fans, this site is devoted to - you guessed it! - Evangelion in all its incarnations. The focus is on the original anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion, which has maintained a loyal base of devotees and continued to attract new fans since it originally debuted back in 1996.

The story set in futuristic 2015 and follows a paramilitary force under the name of NERV (mispronounced as “neruf” in the new Netflix dub) – a special organization responsible for the creation of units called Evangelions, aka Evas. Evas were developed to combat the Angels attacking Tokyo-3 a militarized civilian city located on one of the last dry sections of Japan, but had an alternative purpose behind their development, the Human Instrumentality Project. The project is sponsored by a mysterious secret organization SEELE. Although Evas may look like robots, they are in fact humanoid beings with god-like abilities with cybernetic components grafted into them allowing an extensive computer interface, covering them from head to toe in metal armor plates and restraints that keep them under NERV control via pilots who sit in the cockpit-like Entry Plug. Evangelions have been imbued with human souls, with the exception of Unit-00.

Just 15 years before the story takes place an event called the “Second Impact” occurred due to the “Contact Experiment” conducted on Adam. Adam was awakened and injured causing a strong anti-A.T. field (Absolute Terror Field) explosion so massive that it melted the Antarctic polar cap, shifting the Earth’s axis, forcing a climate change that caused an endless summer in Japan, and massive flooding on all global sea levels. More than two million people in the southern hemisphere were killed by rising waters and tsunamis. The “Second Impact” caused global environmental changes which include a red sea, an endless summer in Japan and in countries along the southern hemisphere. Officially, Adam the first Angel didn’t exist, no experiment was conducted, NERV covered up the story claiming it was a meteorite.

Billions of years ago, Lilith’s ‘Black Moon’ transport vessel that collided with Earth violently, purely by accident, in the event known as “First Impact,” creating Earth’s Moon and life. Of all the worlds across the galaxy which the First Ancestral Race seeded with life, Earth is unique in that two Seeds of Life accidentally landed on the same planet. Due to an unspecified law in the First Ancestral Race’s plan, two Seeds cannot co-exist on the same planet. Angels and humans were never supposed to live together co-existing, this is why the Angels and Evas fight for dominance on Earth. Each Eva is piloted by a young teen who’s mind is able to synchronize with a specific unit, they are referred to as the first children(Rei), the second children(Asuka -pronounced “Aska”) and the third children(Shinji). There is a fourth children(Tōji), he becomes a pilot in the Rebuild of Evangelion movies and the Neon Genesis Evangelion [3 Years After]-Anima- light novel, but not the series show Neon Genesis Evangelion though he is a present character. Calling them children translates correctly but is yet another change from the original ADV dub, in which they were referred to as child, from this point I will refer to them as such.

We are first introduced to Shinji Ikari Tokyo-3 when he transfers over to pilot of unit-01 and becomes the second child on his father’s demand. Desperate to have a relationship with his father Gendo Ikari, he eventually accepts and stays on with NERV to pilot his Eva alongside Rei Ayanami, the first child, pilot of unit-00. Shinji lost his mother in the accident during the experiment that caused the Second Impact. Gendo Ikari is the commander at NERV HQ, he oversees relations with other NERV bases around the globe. He is responsible for the research with the Evas, the creation of Rei Ayanami, and the Human Instrumentality Project.

How to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion/NGE
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion (Tv Series) 26 Episodes (Release 1995)
    Watch episodes 1-24: Look for the directors cut for Episodes 21-24
    (OPTIONAL) You can skip episodes 25 and 26
    The ending was downright confusing and left you scratching your head as to wtf just happened?! This is better explained in the End Of Evangelion theatric releases, if you must, you can come back and watch this after Rebuild. There are multiple timelines and I can’t really explain here.
  • Evangelion: Death and Rebirth (Theatrical Movie) remastered version Death(True)² (Release 1997)
    (OPTIONAL) You can completely skip this unless you want a recap of the tv series
    Death is a recap compilation of the tv series episodes 1-24 and is the first part of End Of Evangelion. It has a few extra scenes. If you have the time, you can include this in your binging, however, you don’t need to see this. Rebirth is the unfinished version of the first portion of Episode 25, it was made to cover for the delays of End Of Evangelion
  • The End Of Evangelion (Theatrical Movie) (Release 1997)
    ***SEE REVIVAL*** You can skip this one and go right into Revival Of Evangelion, They are interchangeable
    This concludes the end of the series as it was originally planned for the TV series. The movie is divided into essentially two episodes which replace episodes 25 and 26 those episodes I told you to skip. Episode 25 Love Is Destructive and Episode 26 ONE MORE FINALE: I need you.
  • Revival of Evangelion (Theatrical Movie) (Release 1988)
    This is a unification of Death(True) without the 70-minute recap and The End of Evangelion. These are regarded as an alternate ending to the television series. If you want to get technical, an alternate timeline. This is considered to be the “Final Form” of the Evangelion movies. There a few minor animation changes. You can go back and watch Episodes 25 and 26 from the television series now if you’re into the idea of the third impact creating alternate timelines.
Rebuild of Evangelion Tetralogy
  • Rebuild Of Evangelion 1.11: You Are (Not) Alone
    Re-tells the story we all know by now, keeps the plot simple while changing some of the story.
  • Rebuild Of Evangelion 2.22: You Can (Not) Advance
    Follows the story proceeding 1.11 introduces us to familiar characters and brings Asuka back and introduces us to Mari. The Third Impact occurs at the end of this movie… we loose one of our main characters.
  • Rebuild Of Evangelion 3.33: You Can (Not) Redo
    Following the Third Impact, we get a completely new story, and a division character, and are introduced to familiar faces from the TV show. It’s a whole new story.
  • Rebuild Of Evangelion 3.0+1.0 End Repeat
    This will be released next year 2020 with no exact confirmed date, here’s your first trailer!

An Encyclopedia of Evangelion Related Topics

[ News | Forum | IRC | Discord ]

The cast of flawed and separate beings that makes Evangelion so compelling.

Nerv's Ultimate Multi-purpose Decisive Weapon; the synthetic-human Evangelions. The Evas have the power to save the world, but also to destroy it.

The enigmatic Angels are linked to the near-destruction of the world 15 years ago during The Second Impact. Now they have returned, and only the Evas can stop them.

The Special Agency Nerv has been tasked by the UN with defeating the Angels and preventing Third Impact from wiping out mankind. But there is more to Nerv and its mission than meets the eye.

Episodes and Films

The original run of Neon Genesis Evangelion was broadcast as a 26 episode Television anime—later released on home video—which was followed by a series of theatrical films.

Other Publications

The Evangelion franchise has spanned multiple media since its inception, with multiple continuities and re-imaginings of the original series in existance—both official and unoffical.

Theory & Analysis

Since its release, the Evangelion fandom has subjected to series to extensive and in-depth analysis. The fruits of over a decade of debate and discovery are archived here.

Even after the Earth, the Moon, and even the Sun have disappeared, Evangelion fandom will remain...

Welcome to the Neon Genesis Evangelion Fan-Geeks Project

Neon Genesis Evangelion 1.11 Streaming Ita

For the fans, by the fans, this site is devoted to -- you guessed it! -- Evangelion in all its incarnations. The focus is on the original anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion, which has maintained a loyal base of devotees and continued to attract new fans since it originally debuted back in 1996. The 'Evangelion: New Theatrical Edition' movies currently being produced are, naturally, of great interest as well, keeping the fans waiting with bated breath to see just what surprises Hideaki Anno and his Studio Khara will unleash on us next.

In these dark times, on an Internet where devoted Evangelion sites and fora are becoming increasingly sparse, EvaGeeks is intended to be an enduring sanctuary for the English-speaking fandom. In addition to an active forum and news page, we play host to an expanding collection of local content, much of it original, which you shall find below. EvaGeeks is, officially, the new incarnation of the Evangelion Commentary Project website, although, years later, much content still remains to be transferred over... (Heh.)

The Eva Wiki currently has 51,730 pages and 578 articles, with a total of 39,208 images.


Originally launched by Reichu and various other at AnimeNation years ago, only four episodes, the OP, and the ED were tackled before the project, rather sadly, went into limbo. In the time since, there have been many queries and concerns about the future of the commentary. Reichu is well known as a procrastinator of super-Sadamoto proportions, and no one else has stepped up to take her place as leader, ...until now! Episode 05 and Episode 06 was opened to comments and edited into the new commentary pages. Please take a look! We are also proud to announce that Episode 07 is open for comments. Those wishing to comment should leave their comments here.


Volunteers are free to recommend themselves. Probably the best way to do this is to get an account at the forum (which is a requisite to be an editor anyway) and post in the sign-up thread on the forums. This way, you won't have to deal with Reichu's typical flakiness, and there is a good chance that one of sysops will notice you. But, please, do not 'volunteer' if you have no intention of actually contributing anything to the site aside from a user page. That's just lame.

Neon Genesis Evangelion Rebuild 1.11

Here are Some Pages You Should Know About (some needing work badly):

About This Site | Standards & Conventions | Rules & Regulations | Volunteer Opportunities | Boot Camp for Newcomers

Neon Genesis Evangelion Opening

Also, some external links that will help Scribe-Minions on their arduous journeys. These really shouldn't be on the main page, but things being the mess they are...

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