
I am using the Web Api 2 template that comes with Visual Studio 2013 has some OWIN middleware to do User Authentication and the likes of. C# (CSharp) AuthenticationTicket - 23 examples found.These are the top rated real world C# (CSharp) examples of AuthenticationTicket extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examp. is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. In the last post I showed how to add a simple username/password (aka resource owner password credentials flow) authorization server to Web API v2. This has several advantages: The client does not need to hold on to the user credentials after the token has been requested (e.g. For re-submitting them on every request) The user.

It seems that the refresh token has the same expiration time as the access token. So you'll need to extend the expiration of the refresh token:

-- Update --

I've updated the code to answer the question in your comment. It's more than you've asked for. But I think it will help to explain.

It all depends on the requirement and chosen strategy. To explain the code:

Each time an access token is issued you will also hit this piece of code which will add a refresh token. In this strategy I will issue a new refresh token only when grant_type is not 'refresh_token'. This means that at some point the refresh token expires and the user has to login again.

In the example the user has to login every day again. But if the user logs in before the refresh_token expires, a new refresh token will be issued. That way the refresh token has an absolute expiration time, forcing the user to login at least once a day.

If you want 'sliding expiration', you can add a refresh token every time you issue an access token. Please note that the user may never have to login again, unless the refresh token expires before refreshing.


In any case I wouldn't block users from creating access tokens when grant_type is not refresh_token. Since that is user interaction. The access token has a very limited window (think of hours or minutes, not days), so it will expire soon enough. You do not want to validate an access token each time you receive it in a header, since this means you'll need to check the database for each call.

Instead think of a strategy to invalidate 'old' refresh tokens. You could save the hashed version of the last refresh token in the database. If it doesn't match then respond with an 'invalid_grant' error.

I'm learning OAuth2 via this tutorial, then I found refresh token's expire time is the same as access token, is this correct?

That's true: refresh tokens issued by the OAuth2 authorization server built in OWIN/Katana always have the same expiration date as access tokens ; even if you specify an explicit ExpiresUtc property in AuthenticationProperties when you call IOwinContext.Authentication.SignIn(identity, properties)

That's not really convenient for the reasons @Hans mentioned but you can override this behavior in AuthenticationTokenProvider.CreateAsync (the class you use for OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions.RefreshTokenProvider):

Simply set context.Ticket.Properties.ExpiresUtc with the expiration date of your choice, and the refresh token will be issued with a different expiration date:

You can also take a look at AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server, a fork of the OAuth2 authorization server offered by OWIN/Katana that has a native RefreshTokenLifetime:

Don't hesitate to ping me if you need help.

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Authenticationtokencreatecontext serializeticket

Have a look at this answer MVC4 project - cannot have dot in parameter value? Try changing the Web.Config file <system.web> <httpRuntime relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping='true' /> </system.web> ...

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add BR between text in dynamically created control


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Database object with different data


Ideally what you want is a many-to-many relationship between your Shop and Product entities: public class Shop { public int ShopId {get; set;} public virtual ICollection<ShopProduct> ShopProducts {get; set;} } public class Product { public int ProductId {get; set;} public string Name {get; set;} public virtual ICollection<ShopProduct> ShopProducts {get; set;}...

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In c# you can get all users that are not in a certain role like this: var role = context.Roles.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Name 'role'); var usersNotInRole = context.Users.Where(m => m.Roles.All(r => r.RoleId != role.Id)); ...

check if file is image


You can't do this: string.Contains(string array) Instead you have to rewrite that line of code to this: if (file null || formats.Any(f => file.Contains(f))) And this can be shortened down to: if (file null || formats.Any(file.Contains)) ...

WCF service architecture query

Authenticationtokencreatecontext Settoken,architecture,wcfserviceclient

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You don't need to JSON.stringify the recipients. 'recipients': JSON.stringify('[{'firstname':'a','lastname':'b','email':'c','voucheramount':'d'}]') Remove JSON.stringify form here and it should work. var postData = { 'workplaceGiverId': $('.wpgDropdownList').val(), 'fromMemberId': $('.wpgFromMemberDropdownList').val(), 'toMemberId': $('.wpgToMemberDropdownList').val(), 'voucherExpiryDate': $('#expiryDatePicker').val(), 'recipients': [{'firstname':'a','lastname':'b','email':'c','voucheramount':'d'}] }; ... background in 3 pieces to be stationary


I would use a separate div and use fixed positioning on it. Example <head> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type'> <title>Layout Example</title> <link type='text/css' href='./Layout Example_files/style.css'> <style type='text/css'> .fixed-background{ background: url( 'images/SoapBubbles.jpg' ) no-repeat fixed top center; position:fixed; z-index:-1; top:0; right:0; left:0; bottom:0; } </style> </head> <body> <div...

Callback on client does not get triggered with SignalR


It looks like you are missing client in: $hub.client.onRecieveNotification = function (message) { $('#message').append($('<li></li>', { text: message })); } ...

Show/hide tinymce with radio buttons


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onSuccess and onFailure doesn't get fired


You PageMethod is looking like this PageMethods.LoginUser(onSuccess, onFailure, email, pass); And when you call it, it looks like this PageMethods.LoginUser(email, pass); Your arguments should be in the same order as the method. PageMethods.LoginUser(email, pass, onSuccess, onFailure); ...

Unable to find the auto created Database


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Creating a viewmodel on an existing project


You are using a namespace, your full type name is Project.ViewModel.ViewModel (namespace is Project.ViewModel and class name is ViewModel) so use this using instead: @model Project.ViewModel.ViewModel ...

How to enable multiple login tries in forms authentication?


It's because of your ViewBag's returnUrl sets null after postback, just simply put ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl; at the beginning of your HttpPost verb of Login action. ...

SQL Server / C# : Filter for System.Date - results only entries at 00:00:00


What happens if you change all of the filters to use 'LIKE': if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString().Equals('Start')) { FilterExpression = string.Format('Start LIKE '{0}%', TextBox1.Text); } Then, you're not matching against an exact date (at midnight), but matching any date-times which start with that date. Update Or perhaps you could try this... if (DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString().Equals('Start'))...

Why is my View not displaying value of ViewBag?


ViewBag is used when returning a view, not when redirecting to another action. Basically it doesn't persist across separate requests. Try using TempData instead: TempData['Tag'] = post.SelectedTag.ToString(); and in the view: <p><strong>Tag: @TempData['Tag']</strong></p> ...

Azure Mobile Services: migrate to non-Azure Windows Server,azure,azure-mobile-services

It is entirely possible to move the .NET runtime - This is just an ASP.NET Web API site, and it can be hosted anywhere that you might run ASP.NET. However, some features such as the login functionality will not be available. For the Node.JS runtime, the actual process running the... website is not working properly while configuring in Internet Information Services


I haven't personally worked with an Oracle database, but from your stack trace I see the following error: Attempt to load Oracle client libraries threw BadImageFormatException. This problem will occur when running in 64 bit mode with the 32 bit Oracle client components installed. Take a look at this similar...

Difference between application and module pipelines in Nancy?


The module- and application pipelines are explained in detail in the wiki. It's basically hooks which are executed before and after route execution on a global (application pipelines) and per-module basis. Here's an example: If a route is resolved to a module called FooModule, the pipelines will be invoked as...

Cant delete in database because of constraints


Best way to do it is by using a stored proceed rather than a sql statement in C# code. You are getting error because the referenced records are still present in referenced table and are using cmd.ExecuteReader(); rather than cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();. So you need to delete records for DBS2_MOVIE WHERE MOVIE_ID...

Retrieve data from one table and insert into another table


INSERT INTO tbl2 ( Name ,parentId ) SELECT DISTINCT manager ,0 FROM tbl1 WHERE manager NOT IN ( SELECT employee FROM tbl1 ) INSERT INTO tbl2 SELECT DISTINCT employee ,0 FROM tbl1 UPDATE tbl2 SET parentid = FROM tbl2 INNER JOIN tbl1 ON tbl2.Name = tbl1.employee INNER JOIN tbl2...

Event on dynamically created checkbox


you can try this code List<CheckBox> lstChckBox; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // you can create controls programaticaly or html page, doesnt important //only you should know controls ID and all controls share same checked event CheckBox chc1 = new CheckBox(); chc1.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(chck_CheckedChanged); CheckBox chc2 =...

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If doing it from codebehind works then you can do something like sdsOrderErrors.SelectCommand = string.Format('SELECT {0} AS fld FROM [a_table]', colName); (OR) Have a stored procedure to accept a parameter and perform a dynamic query to achieve the same like create procedure usp_testSelect(@colname varchar(30)) as begin declare @sql varchar(200); set...

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I have just tested your code and seems to be working with some test modifications: ASPX <asp:UpdatePanel runat='server' UpdateMode='Conditional'> <ContentTemplate> <asp:DropDownList runat='server' Width='250px' AutoPostback='true' OnSelectedIndexChanged='ddlSwitch_SelectedIndexChanged'> <asp:ListItem Value='continent' Text='Continent'></asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value='region' Text='Region'></asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem Value='country'...

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May be this post will help you to change color of grid but keep AXIS same Visual Studio 2010 Chart control - line color. For line style Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartDashStyle.Dash; ...

CommandName = Insert in EditTemplate of ASP.NET ListView throws “Insert can only be called on an insert item”


Authenticationtokencreatecontext Serializeticket

The error is self explanatory. Take a look at this: So you can do either of these things. Create an InsertItemplate and insert using the ItemInserted event of the listview Change the CommandName to CommandName='InsertData' and catch that event on the ItemCommand ...

why does the compiler complain about missing ctor of WebSocketHandler?

protected member is accessible by derived class instances and there's nothing special about it. Nothing special in the class itself, either @ WebSocketHandler.cs. It just mens you need to pass in a nullable type, it does not mean it can't get any arguments. int? maxIncomingMessageSize = 0; var socket =...

ASP.NET httpHandlers & handlers


The system.webServer section in the Web.config file specifies settings for IIS 7.0 that are applied to the Web application. The system.WebServer is a child of the configuration section. For more information, see IIS 7.0: system.webServer Section Group (IIS Settings Schema). and <system.web> specifies the root element for the ASP.NET configuration...

Random Questions keep on repeating


Hi here the problem is with your random function. If you want to make sure one question will get repeated only after all the questions have shown atleast one. step 1: keep a array with length equal to the number of question. step 2: get a random question . step...

Gridview items not populating correctly,

Try this vb code behind, then comment out my test Private Sub BindGrid() Dim dt_SQL_Results As New DataTable ' Commenting out to use test data as I have no access to your database 'Dim da As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter 'Dim strSQL2 As String 'Dim Response As String = ' 'strSQL2 = 'SELECT...

Providing login_hint option for Google Oauth2 redirect


You should pass the variable to state. In the callback argument, you can parse your variable from state argument. For example, profile&state={'user_id': 1}&redirect_uri=http://localhost&response_type=code& The callback url will be http://localhost/code?state={'user_id': 1}&code=4/P7q7W91a-oMsCeLvIaQm6bTrgtp7...

RequiredFieldValidator not working in my ASp site


You just miss a little thing i.e. to assign a Validation Group to your buttons and your RequiredFieldValidators. Your code should be: <div> <h2>Registration</h2> <p>Please fill out the forms to complete your registration.</p> <form> <div> <label for='username'>Name:</label> <asp:TextBox runat='server' CssClass='form-control' /> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat='server'...

Multiple Posted Types 5 MVC 6 API


The best way is to create a composite wrapper: public class Wrapper { public ModelA A { get; set; } public ModelB B { get; set; } } Put Wrapper in the parameter list and mark that [FromBody]. You can't use that attribute more than once because all of the... causing issues with Newtonsoft.json


Does the assemblyBinding tag have proper xmlns schema? Check if the issue you are encountering is same as Assembly binding redirect does not work

deployment of a site and iis


There are several domain providers like: godaddy, name etc you can use to buy a domain name. These providers also provide you steps to map the domain name to your website. Check out this link for example. This link explains domain name configuration in details.

Problems With FOR XML AUTO


Change XML PATH(') to XML PATH('tag')

Trigger a js function with parameter from code behind



All you need to do is add a semi-colon to the end of your String.Format call. ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), 'ScriptManager1', String.Format(@'ShowHideMessageBlock('{0}');', @'#successMsg'), true); ...

Third-party security providers like Google, Twitter etc. in ASP.Net,authentication

No, you cannot enter any string. You will need to register with each provider to get the parameters that you need. See for instructions on how to do this....