Convert Iso To Eboot


  1. Psp Iso To Eboot
  2. Convert Iso To Eboot Mac
  3. Iso2eboot Download
  4. Convert Iso To Eboot Psp
  5. Convert Psp Iso To Eboot
  6. Convert Iso 2 Eboot

PSX2PSP (ANA: POPSTATION GUI) is actually a GUI-frontend for DarkAleX’s popstation, known as a classic utility designed for converting and compressing PSX game ROM file formats into PSP compatible format. PSX2PSP allows users to easily compress and convert the PSOne’s ISO, BIN or IMG game ROM file into the the PBP supported PSP file format. If I backup my UMD iso, it comes out as a.iso file. This is great and all, but i want to run them, and they show up as a Corupted file if I run it im my games folder. Plus, I can compress a EBOOT.PBP, so my limited storage wont be wasted. Is there any way to do this?

As you could have asked google “convert iso pkg han” and it would have searched for and showed you a tutorial on how to do this, there’s multiple threads in multiple places on how to convert iso to pkg and what is required, what is supported, and what may go wrong and how to fix it. Click on “Convert Menu” in the bottom right of the Window, this should bring up a menu like this Now click on the “.” beside the “ISO/PBP File 1 – No File Selected” dropdown menu and navigate to where you placed your ISO/BIN file, select it and return.

Psp Iso To Eboot

Via ReadMe

Convert Iso To Eboot Mac

Convert Iso To Eboot

  • PS3 ISO TOOLS V2.1 *
    * by Rudi Rastelli *
    * Credits: *
    * @Estwald for 'extractps3iso' & 'patchps3iso' *
    * @Rip Cord for 'resign_eboot', 'resprx', 'resspu' & 'selfinfo' *
    * @erbse68, Dennis S., @masa3108 for testing *
    'PS3 ISO TOOLS' is an all-in-one tool for ODE- and CFW-users and features:
    - ISO-Generator to convert PS3-Folder-Format-Game(s) 2 PS3-ISO-Format-Game(s) (splitted big-files automatically will be joined)
    - ISO-Extractor to convert PS3-ISO-Format-Game(s) 2 PS3-Folder-Format-Game(s) (big-files will be optionaly splitted)
    - ISO-Splitter to split single PS3-ISO(s) for use on a FAT32 device ('*.iso.0', '*.iso.1', ...etc)
    - ISO-Joiner to join splitted PS3-ISO(s) into single PS3-ISO(s)
    - ISO-Modifier to rename single or splitted PS3-ISO(s) according to game-info found in 'PARAM.SFO'-file
    to add '[auto]'- and '[online]'-tags to ISO-filename(s) (regarding the 'webMAN_mod' functionality)
    to hide/un-hide parts of splitted ISO(s) ('*.iso.1', '*.iso.2', ...etc)
    to extract and save 'PARAM.SFO' and 'ICON0.PNG' as '[ISO-name].SFO' respectively '[ISO-name].PNG' within ISO-folder
    - ISO-Patcher to 'dirty' patch single or splitted PS3-ISO(s) to a lower firmware version (down to 4.20)... JUST FOR CFW FROM 4.20
    - Game-Patcher to 'properly' patch PS3-Folder-Format-Game(s) to firmware version 3.55... FOR ODE- AND CFW-USERS

    V2.2 - Changelog
    ********************** ENGLISH ***********************
    - Bug fix: Fixed the sometimes strange behaviour of the patch-checkbox ('Create ISO(s)')
    - Selectable firmware range is now up to 4.76 (Main menu & 'Patch ISO')
    - '[auto]'- and '[online]'-tags could now be added to ISO-filenames ('Create ISO(s)' & 'Modify ISO(s)')
    ************************ DEUTSCH ************************
    - Bug fix: Das manchmal merkwürdsame Verhalten der Patch-Checkbox ist jetzt gefixt ('Create ISO(s)')
    - Die Firmware kann nun bis 4.76 ausgewählt werden (Hauptmenü & 'Patch ISO')
    - Die ISO-Dateinamen können nun mit '[auto]'- und '[online]'-Tags versehen werden ('Create ISO(s)' & 'Modify ISO(s)')
    V2.1.1 - Changelog
    ********************** ENGLISH ***********************
    - Bug fix: 'Patch ISO'-function now really does a forced patching(range 4.20 to 4.66)
    - 'Patch ISO'-function will be disabled for CFW below 4.20
    - Added recursive directory scan for 'Create ISO(s)'-function (batch mode)
    - Added saving of all used options to config file upon program exit
    - Added option for CFW-users to select program which creates the ISO ('makeps3iso', 'genps3iso')
    - No more 'thumbs.db' in created ISO
    - Fixed wrong warnings in log-file
    - A missing 'PS3_DISC.SFB' will only be added if you set up PS3-System as ODE(for better 'stealth')
    ************************ DEUTSCH ************************
    - Bug fix: 'Patch ISO'-Funktion macht nun tatsächlich ein erzwungenes Patching(Bereich von 4.20 bis 4.66)
    - 'Patch ISO'-Funktion wird abgeschaltet, wenn die CFW unter 4.20 ist
    - Recursive Suche nach Spiele-Ordnern im 'Batch-Modus' der 'Create ISO(s)'-Funktion
    - Alle Optionen werden nun beim verlassen des Programms in der Konfigurationsdatei gespeichert
    - Als CFW-User kann man nun wählen welches Programm die Umwandlung in ISO macht('makeps3iso', 'genps3iso')
    - Es befinden sich nun keine ungewollten 'thumbs.db'-Dateien mehr in den erzeugten ISOs
    - Keine falschen Warnings mehr im Log-File
    - Eine fehlende 'PS3_DISC.SFB'-Datei wird nur dann hinzugefügt(wegen besserem 'stealth'), wenn man ein ODE-System eingestellt hat
    V2.0 - Changelog
    ********************** ENGLISH ***********************
    - Makes some reasonable pre-selections depending on users PS3 system
    - ISO(s) are now created via 'genps3iso_v2.5' instead of 'makeps3iso' for ODE compatibility
    - Proper and complete ODE/CFW compatible game patching to 3.55 (even not all of the newer games will run on CFW 3.55)
    Patches PARAM.SFO, EBOOT.BIN, *.sprx, *.self and *.sdat files
    The new patch functionality can be found at 'ISO Conversion Options'
    Note 1: To force patching use the 'Always'-Option instead of the 'If needed'-Option
    Note 2: Use 'Just Patch...' - Option if you don't want to create an ISO... intended for Non-Cobra-CFW-Users
    - 'Patch ISO'-function, which is kind of a 'dirty' in-ISO-patching), now patches always(forced) to any firmware version between 3.55 and 4.66
    Note 3: This will only work for CFW-User... so it's greyed out when u set up an ODE-system.
    - Automaticly generates backups of original/patched files as zip files for simple restoring (only for proper patching)
    - Excluding 'PS3_UPDATE' folder from ISO is now optional
    - Creates missing 'PS3_DISC.FSB' file
    - Readme updated
    ************************ DEUTSCH ************************
    - Trifft sinnvolle Voreinstellungen abhängig vom PS3 System des Benutzers
    - Um ODE-Kompatibilität zu erreichen werden ISO(s) nun von 'gensp3iso_v2.5' anstelle 'makeps3iso' erstellt
    - Spiele können nun auf eine saubere Art ODE/CFW kompatibel auf 3.55 gepacht werden (auch wenn nicht alle neueren Games auf einer 3.55 CFW laufen werden).
    Gepatcht werden PARAM.SFO, EBOOT.BIN, *.sprx, *.self und *.sdat Dateien
    Die neue Patch-Methode findet sich bei den 'ISO Conversion Options'
    Hinweis 1: Benutze die 'Always'-Option anstelle der 'If Needed'-Option um ein Patchen zu erzwingen
    Hinweis 2: Setze die 'Just Patch...'-Option, wenn man nur patchen, aber keine ISO(s) erstellen will... gedacht für Nicht-Cobra-CFW-Benutzer
    - Die 'Patch ISO'-Funktion, die eher auf eine 'dreckige' Art und Weise arbeitet, patcht jetzt auf jeden Fall auf eine Firmware-Version zwischen 3.55 und 4.66
    Hinweis 3: Dies funktioniert nur für CFW-Benutzer... für ODE-Benutzer ist diese Funktion deshalb deaktiviert
    - Erstellt automatisch Backups der orginalen/gepatchten Dateien als zip-Dateien, die man, zur einfachen Wiederherstellung des ursprünglichen Zustands des Spiels, nutzen kann.
    - Der Ausschluss des 'PS3_UPDATE'-Ordners von der ISO ist jetzt optional
    - Erzeugt eine ggf nicht vorhandene 'PS3_DISC.FSB'-Datei
    - Liesmich geupdated

  • Usage:
    Pretty self-explanatory(I hope)... read the tool-tips
    - It's important to set up your PS3-System on main window, because PS3 ISO TOOLS will make some preselections depending from that.
    - To batch-convert games, select a folder containing several games in folder-format(recursive scan)
    - All other tools, with the exception of ISO-Patcher, support batch-operation as well. Just multi-select the ISOs you like to process.
    - If you select a FAT32-drive as target for folder-format to ISO-format conversion the resulted ISO(s) will be split even without selecting the split-option
    - As default ISO-name(s) will NOT contain special ASCII-characters 0-31, 126-255 and also NOT /:*?'<>| ... This is to avoid problems with webMAN
    (You can allow usage of special ASCII-characters 126-255, like '™' or '®' in 'ISO-conversion-Options')
    - After conversion/extraction a log-file will be shown, which compares size and number of files.
    - 'Proper' patching is possible only for 3.55, because ps3-private-keys above 3.55, which are needed for signing, are not yet released to the public.

  • - If you've choosen to extract 'PARAM.SFO' and 'ICON0.PNG'(Game-Icon) while converting to ISO-format, the 2 files will be placed hidden as '[ISO-name].SFO' and '[ISO-name].PNG' at target-folder.
    If you use webMAN copy these 2 files(per game) to '/dev_hdd0/tmp/wmtmp/'. This will save you the effort to mount each game at least once to make webMAN display it's game-icon.
    - Make sure game-folder or any file inside game-folder isn't opened in any way before starting conversion.
    - Aborted batch-conversions could be continued. Already finished conversions will be skipped.
    - Find the options to patch a game to a lower firmware within the 'Create ISO(s) Options'.
    First try the default options('If needed'). Then game(s) will only be patched when it's firmware version is higher as the set firmware version of your PS3-System
    If PS3 ISO TOOLS does not patch anything and game doesn't work try the 'Always'-Option.
    The 'Don't Create ISO(s)'-Option is just for CFW-Users who wan't to just patch the Game(s) in PS3-Folder-Format without creating an ISO(s) subsequently
    - Two zip files will be created while patching. They will be stored in 2 different folders named 'ORIGINAL_FILES_ARCHIVE' and 'PATCHED_FILES_ARCHIVE'. One contains
    backups of the original files which needs patching. And the other one the patched files. In order to restore just unzip the zip-file containing the original files
    to the game-folder and you're done.
    - 1st try your game(s) without installed game-update(s)

vcgsoft provides the PSX2PSP v1.4.2 Final Portable version with the must-have ‘BASE.PBP’ file inside!

PSX2PSP (ANA: POPSTATION GUI) is actually a GUI-frontend for Dark_AleX’s popstation, known as a classic utility designed for converting and compressing PSX game ROM file formats into PSP compatible format.

PSX2PSP allows users to easily compress and convert the PSOne’s ISO, BIN or IMG game ROM file into the the PBP supported PSP file format. As a consequence, you can play your original old PSOne game backups or new downloaded ROM files on your PSP machine from now on with the help of PSX2PSP!

Iso2eboot Download

// Key Features //

  • Graphical user interface, simple and refreshing, do not need enter the command line
  • Support ISO/IMG/BIN image format conversion
  • Customize all the icons and background music
  • Support replacement of the warning icon
  • The icon will automatically zoom to the specified size, support previewing
  • Automatically read the corresponding icon and the background sound
  • Automatically read the ID and name, and you can customize them
  • Built-in conversion of the European version game
  • Customize the conversion file output location, and it can automatically create a folder
  • Support compression
  • Support modifying EBOOT
  • Reverted to ISO

Convert Iso To Eboot Psp

// Download URLs //

Convert Psp Iso To Eboot

Convert iso to eboot.pbp

Convert Iso 2 Eboot

  • (908 KB | No Homepage)
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